Everything You Need to Know about Runner's Knee

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The what:

Also called patellofemoral pain syndrome, or PFPS, Runner’s knee alludes to a particular sort of over use injury portrayed as pain in the knee.

The who:

Runner’s Knee is a normal injury in athletes that often occurs in people who are runners, cyclists, or active in many other sports as well as many athletes who put significant strain on their knees. It can also happen in anyone who has injured or put unnecessary weight on their knee, or who has gained a significant amount of weight.

Side effects:

  • Pain is the general indication of issues with Runner's Knee. It can happen in the front of the knee, at the edges, or under the kneecap. The aggravation is frequently depicted as feeling "deep" inside the knee, particularly during active work.
  • Enlargement of the knee in the corner area is a common side effect of PFPS. While climbing steps, bowing, or standing up in the wake of sitting for quite a while, you could hear cracking or snapping sounds in the knee.
  • Runner’s Knee isn’t always in both knees. You can have sprinter's knee in only one of the knees, as well as in both.



The most common cause of Runner’s Knee (PFPS) is brought on by prolonged pressure and impact that puts weight on the knee — like running, hunching down, and climbing steps. Additionally, it can be brought about by an abrupt change in active work. This change can be in the recurrence of movement —for example, expanding the quantity of days you practice every week. It can also be in the length or force of action — like running longer distances.

Usage of inappropriate sports preparing methods

Changes in footwear or playing surface can land you in trouble and aid in worsening Runner’s Knee. PFPS can also be brought on by unusual following of the kneecap in the trochlear groove. In this condition, the patella is pushed out aside of the groove when the knee is twisted. This anomaly might cause expanded strain between the rear of the patella and the trochlea, disturbing delicate tissues.

Factors that add to unfortunate following of the kneecap include:

  • Issues with the alignment of the legs between the hips and the lower legs. Issues in alignment can cause a kneecap to shift too far toward the outside or within the leg, or one that rides too high in the trochlear groove.
  • When you run, the knee gets impacted, particularly in the quadricep muscles at the front of the thigh. Whenever the knee twists and fixes, the quadricep muscles and quadriceps ligament help to keep the kneecap inside the trochlear groove.
  • Powerless or imbalanced quadriceps can cause unfortunate following of the kneecap inside the depression.

Treatment for Runner’s Knee:

  • Stop or reduce the exercises that make your knee hurt until your aggravation is settled. This might mean changing your preparation routine or changing to low-impact exercises — like riding an exercise bike, utilizing a curved machine, or swimming — that will put less weight on your knee joint.

The RICE Method:

RICE represents rest, ice, compression, and elevation.


Try not to put weight on the excruciating knee.


    Utilize cold packs for 20 minutes all at once, a few times each day. Try not to apply ice directly on skin.


      To forestall extra enlargement, delicately enclose the knee by a flexible wrap, leaving an opening in the space of the kneecap. Ensure that the wrap fits cozily and doesn't cause extra pain.


        As frequently as could be expected, rest with your knee raised up higher than your heart.

                Medicines / Treatments:

                • Nonsteroidal calming drugs (NSAIDs), for example, ibuprofen and naproxen can assist with diminishing enlarging and ease pain.
                • A natural topical pain reliever with Arnica Montana, such as Doctor Hoy's Arnica Boost.
                • Realigning your lower leg with a pronation control heel cup designed for athletes, like the PowerStep Pulse Maxx Support Orthotic Insole
                • Adding a compression knee brace to your workout gear. 
                • If your pain persists or it gets difficult to move your knee, contact your primary care physician for an assessment.