Common Foot Ailments & Conditions
Learn more about different foot conditions and causes of foot pain, and how PowerStep® orthotic insoles can help treat, relieve, and prevent some of these conditions.
What Causes Foot Pain?
Do you have aching arches or discomfort in the ball of your foot? There are several potential reasons for foot pain. The shoes you wear, the activities you do, and how you take care of your feet all help determine your overall foot health.
Use our list of common foot conditions to learn more about different causes of foot pain and how PowerStep® orthotic insoles can help treat, relieve, and even prevent some conditions from developing.

Most Common Foot Problems
Many foot problems are identifiable based on their symptoms. Of course, always consult your physician if you experience foot pain lasting more than a few days.
Here are some of the most common conditions that may be causing you discomfort:

Plantar Fasciitis
- What it is: The plantar fascia, or the tough band of tissue connecting the heel bone to the toes, becomes inflamed, causing stabbing or dull and constant pain in the heel or arch.
- Causes: Too much stress on the heels, high impact activities like running, wearing unsupportive footwear, standing for long periods of time.
- Symptoms: Heel pain or arch pain that worsens the longer you are on your feet, stiffness or swelling around the heel.
- PowerStep Pinnacle orthotic insoles are the best insoles for plantar fasciitis, providing arch support and cushion that’s clinically proven to relieve and prevent pain.
Metatarsalgia & Ball of Foot Pain
- What it is: Inflammation in the ball of the foot affecting the area between your arch and toes. Also known as stone bruise.
- Causes: Wearing ill-fitting or unsupportive shoes, putting excess weight on the ball of the foot, standing for long periods, high impact activities or sports, inflammatory diseases like arthritis.
- Symptoms: Sharp or burning pain in the ball of the foot, pain that worsens when standing or walking, calluses on ball of foot, bruising or swelling.
- PowerStep insoles for ball of foot pain help reduce pressure, support your arch, and provide pain-relieving cushioning with built-in metatarsal pads that help treat metatarsalgia.
Morton’s Neuroma
- What it is: The thickening of the nerve tissue typically between the third and fourth toes, resulting in burning pain, tingling, or numbness.
- Causes: Wearing high heels or tight and narrow shoes, high-impact activities, certain foot deformities, nerve damage due to a foot injury, foot arch shape.
- Symptoms: Ball of foot pain radiating toward the toes, tingling sensation in the toes, numbness, swelling, feeling as though you have a pebble stuck in your shoe.
- Along with orthotics for ball of foot pain, PowerStep insoles for high heels and thin athletic insoles help absorb shock, provide support, and reduce pressure under the ball of the foot.
Shin Splints
- What it is: Pain in the shin bone, the long bone in front of the lower legs, resulting from strenuous physical activities or sports.
- Causes: Activities that put repetitive stress on the shinbone, sudden increase in physical activity, running on uneven ground, wearing improper shoes, abnormal foot arch shape.
- Symptoms: Leg pain or tenderness affecting the front lower leg area, mild swelling, pain the disappears with rest, continuous pain leading to stress fracture.
- PowerStep PULSE® orthotic insoles are the best insoles for running and sports, providing superior support while absorbing shock to prevent injury and boost performance.
Heel Spurs
- What it is: A small, bony growth on the inside of the foot underneath the heel bone. Also known as a calcaneal spur.
- Causes: Wearing shoes that lack cushion or support, running on hard surfaces, excessive stress or pressure on the heel, high impact activities like running, abnormal foot arch shape.
- Symptoms: Typically painless, associated with heel pain from plantar fasciitis, heel pain worsens when standing or walking for a long time, potential swelling.
- Insoles for heel pain and PowerStep silicone gel heel cups protect sore, aching heels with soft, cushioned support while absorbing shock and minimizing strain.
Bunions & Bunionettes
- What it is: Partial dislocation of the big toe joint (or pinky toe joint) resulting in an outward curve or bump that may or may not cause pain.
- Causes: Excess stress on the foot, wearing shoes that are too tight or narrow at the toes such as high heels, certain foot injuries, birth deformities, overpronation.
- Symptoms: A visible outward bump sticking out the base of the toe, redness and swelling, pain at the base of the toe, having difficult wearing normal shoes, numbness or limited movement.
- Prevent and relieve bunion pain with PowerStep orthotics, heat moldable insoles, arch support sandals, and support devices like night splints and bunion sleeves.
- What it is: A deformity that causes your toe to bend at the middle joint instead of pointing forward.
- Causes: Birth deformity, toe injury, flatfoot or high arches, wearing tight or narrow shoes that compress the toes, pressure caused by a bunion, second toe is longer than the first.
- Symptoms: Second toe visibly bends downward, corns or calluses on top of middle toe joint, inability to flex toes, redness or swelling, discomfort while walking or stretching feet.
- Orthotic insoles provide support and comfort to reduce stress and minimize pain while inserts like metatarsal pads or ball of foot cushions relieve pressure on or near the toes.
Calluses & Corns
- What it is: Thick, hardened layers of skin that form on the feet or toes to protect against friction or pressure.
- Causes: Repetitive friction or pressure, wearing tight or loose-fitting shoes that cause excessive rubbing, certain foot deformities, not wearing socks with shoes.
- Symptoms: A thick or rough patch of skin on the foot or toes, hardened bump, tenderness or pain under the skin when pressed, dry or flaky skin that may appear dead.
- Wearing shoes that fit can prevent corns and calluses, while PowerStep insoles have cushioned support and a soft layer of top fabric to reduce friction and prevent calluses.
Overpronation / Flatfoot
- What it is: The foot rolls too much inward when walking, resulting in foot and ankle instability, extra pressure on the forefoot, and potentially fallen arches or flat feet.
- Causes: Foot or ankle injury, certain medical conditions, being overweight, genetics, low arches, aging, inflammatory diseases like arthritis.
- Symptoms: Heel or arch pain, hammertoes, pain when walking, muscles aches in the foot or leg, inner ankle swelling.
- PowerStep insoles for flat feet offer maximum support for people with low arches by correcting problems with pronation and improving both stability and alignment.
High Arches / Supination
- What it is: The foot rolls too much outward when walking, putting excessive stress on the outer edge of the foot and causing instability. Also called underpronation.
- Causes: Genetic, weakened leg or foot muscles, foot injuries, wearing unsupportive footwear, poor body alignment or posture, over or under exercising.
- Symptoms: Ankle pain or sprains, calluses on outer edge of feet, frequent shin splints, plantar fasciitis, ball of foot pain, ankle swelling, proneness to stress fractures.
- PowerStep insoles for high arches are clinically proven to relieve and prevent high arch foot pain, from preventing supination to balancing and stabilizing the feet.
Sever's Disease
- What it is: Painful inflammation of the growth plate in the heel commonly present in children between the ages of 9 and 12 years old. Also called calcaneal apophysitis.
- Causes: High impact activities or sports, extreme stress or repetitive pressure being placed on the heel.
- Symptoms: Heel pain, tenderness, swelling, limping when walking, difficulty running, tiredness, overpronation in toddlers.
- PowerStep insoles for kids and toddlers support kid’s feet, promoting healthy development of their bones and joints while preventing injury and correcting issues like pediatric flatfoot.
Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD)
- What it is: Inflammation of tearing of the posterior tibial tendon that connects one of the calf muscles to the bones on the inner foot.
- Causes: Foot or joint injury, obesity, repetitive and rigorous activity.
- Symptoms: Pain or swelling of the ankle and inner foot, pain worsens with activity, difficulty walking up or down stairs, uneven wear on shoes, overpronation or flatfoot.
- Using PowerStep orthotics for flat feet can help prevent PTTD and correct resulting overpronation, providing support for athletic endeavors like running with flatfoot.
Achilles Tendonitis
- What it is: Inflammation or injury of the Achilles tendon that connects the calf muscles behind the lower leg to the heel bone.
- Causes: Repetitive stress from excessive exercise, running on uneven ground, wearing ill-fitting or unsupportive shoes, lack of stretching or warming up before exercise, wearing high heels.
- Symptoms: Pain or swelling in the heel, thickening of the Achilles tendon, reduced range of motion in the foot, tenderness or warmth in the heel.
- PowerStep PULSE orthotic insoles encourage proper alignment of the foot and ankle while and absorb shock on impact to help prevent injuries, reduce fatigue, and boost performance.
Haglund’s Deformity
- What it is: A bony enlargement or noticeable bump on the back of the heel that may lead to bursitis. Also called pump bump.
- Causes: High arched feet, tight Achilles tendon, walking on the outer edge of heel, genetics, wearing high heels that lack cushion at the back of the heel.
- Symptoms: Visible bump on the back of the heel, swelling or redness, blisters and/or calluses around the bump, pain around the Achilles tendon.
- PowerStep orthotic insoles for dress shoes and high heels support the arch and add cushion to formal footwear, leading to better motion control and less pressure on the heels.
Athlete’s Foot
- What it is: A fungal skin infection that typically occurs between the toes due to excess moisture or sweat.
- Causes: Wearing tight shoes, failure to practice proper foot hygiene, wearing damp socks.
- Symptoms: Cracking and peeling skin, drying and scaling, itchy blisters, burning sensation, itching and soreness between the toes, discolored toenails.
- PowerStep PULSE Thin and ¾ insoles for tight shoes feature a top layer of soft, moisture-wicking fabric to reduce heat, perspiration, and friction while preventing issues like athlete’s foot.
PowerStep Insoles for Foot Pain
Painful foot conditions can make everyday activities like walking or exercising more difficult.
Thankfully, PowerStep gets you back on your feet pain-free, helping you avoid most common foot problems and providing affordable relief you can rely on.

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